A Guide to Properly Maintaining Your Solar Panels – PMCE

A Guide to Maintaining Your Solar Panels

Getting solar panels for home isn’t a light investment, so it’s only right that you’d want to maximise their efficacy and longevity as much as possible. After all, the longer your solar panels last, the more energy and money you’ll eventually save. While there are circumstances that are beyond your control that could affect how long your solar panels will last, there are things you can do to keep them in excellent condition, such as regular maintenance. If you haven’t done so already, here’s a helpful guide on how to maintain your solar panels in Singapore.

Spraying Your Solar Panels

Spraying Your Solar Panels-Solar panel Singapore

Generally speaking, solar panels in Singapore are easy to maintain as they do not have moving parts that could be adversely affected by rust or corrosion. However, dirt, debris, and dust can still accumulate and dirty your solar panels over time due to their constant exposure to the elements. The most important thing to bear in mind before cleaning your solar panels is to turn the system off before doing any sort of cleaning. Additionally, avoid using cleaning agents or soap to clean your solar panels in Singapore as they can leave streaks and as a result, damage the panels. Instead, simply hose your panels down with lukewarm water to wash away the dirt.

If you’re living in a private home, you may be considering climbing up to the roof and doing a little extra cleaning by wiping the panels with a non-abrasive microfiber cloth. If so, do practise safety and use a safety harness to prevent falls.

When cleaning solar panels, we recommend getting a solar panel cleaning kit that comes with all the equipment and panel-safe solution you’ll need for a thorough wiping. Do avoid using an abrasive sponge or commercial soap that isn’t certified for solar panel use.

Keeping an Eye on Control Panel & Performance

Keeping an Eye on Control Panel and Performance-Solar panels for home

Beyond keeping the surfaces of solar panels for home clean, you should also ensure that the panels themselves are working as intended. There are several ways to conduct maintenance checks in this regard.

One of the easiest ways to ascertain if your solar panels in Singapore are working properly is to keep an eye on the inverters to ensure that they’re flashing green lights; an absence of which would mean that they’re not functioning, and you’d be losing money by not being able to compensate for your electricity use.

Another way to monitor the output of your panels is to document the day-to-day performance. This can be done by writing down how much energy your panels are producing each day at a consistent time every day whilst noting circumstances that could affect the numbers, such as cloudy conditions. You may also contact your solar panel company in Singapore to get a reliable monitoring system for your panels.

Monitoring Your System & Using Automated Cleaners

Monitoring Your System and Using Automated Cleaners-Solar panel Singapore

With the continuous advancement of solar panel technology, you can now easily retrieve essential information about the performance of your solar panels in Singapore using monitoring systems and wall-mounted displays. Some examples of the figures you can glean include the amount of carbon dioxide you’re releasing into the atmosphere, which allows you to track your carbon footprint and tweak your panels further.

If you’re too busy to clean your solar panels, you may also install automated cleaners that work like sprinkler systems, or if you prefer a more thorough approach, engage solar panel cleaning companies to perform maintenance works instead.

When all that is said and done; at the heart of a long-lasting solar panel system are sturdy and reliable solar panels. Here at Perry Management Clean Energy, we offer only the highest-quality solar panels for homes so you can rest easy and reap the benefits whilst doing your part for the environment. For more information about our products and services, please visit our website.
